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Last update: 2024 03 18


1.1.       These Terms and Conditions of Tradercars Platform describe the terms and conditions of use of Tradercars Platform where a registered user can put used motor vehicles for auction and buy used motor vehicles on the auction, administered by Exleasingcar.

1.2.       The following capitalized terms used herein shall have the following meanings:

1.2.1.         “Auction Fee” means all and any fees payable by the Seller in case the Vehicle placed by the Seller is successfully sold at the Auction. The amount of the Auction Fee is set out in clause 4.6 of these T&C.

1.2.2.         “Auction(s)” mean(s) the electronic Vehicle auction(s) held on the Platform which is/are only available to registered Users of the Platform.

1.2.3.         “Confirmation” means a written confirmation sent by Exleasingcar to the Buyer after the Buyer has been declared as a winner of the Auction, confirming the Buyer’s right and obligation to buy the Vehicle and pay for it, specifying the total amount payable by the Buyer (the price of the Vehicle along with additional fees, if any). The proforma invoices (for the Price of Vehicle and VAT deposit) shall be submitted to the Buyer along with the Confirmation.

1.2.4.         “Exleasingcar” means Exleasingcar UAB, legal entity code 302837280, address Parodų st. 2, LT-04133, Vilnius, Lithuania, who administers the Platform.

1.2.5.         “Form” means a form provided on the Platform in which the Seller provides all the data identifying the Vehicle to be listed on the Auction, the Target Price, uploads photos of the Vehicle and provides all and any other required and relevant information.

1.2.6.         “Parking Lot” means the parking lot administered by Exleasingcar’s partner UAB “AV terminal”, company code 300586356, located at Ezerelio st. 13, Alesninku village., Vievio municipality, LT-21364 Elektrenai, Lithuania, to which the Seller delivers the Vehicle sold at the Auction and from which the Buyer collects the purchased Vehicle.

1.2.7.         “Parties” mean Exleasingcar and the User collectively. Party means Exleasingcar or the User individually.

1.2.8.         “Platform” means the Tradercars Platform where a registered User can put Vehicles for Auction(s) and buy Vehicles sold on the Auction(s), administered by Exleasingcar and available at https://www.tradercars.eu/.

1.2.9.         “Buyer” means a legal entity that meets the criteria specified in clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of these T&C and that participates in the Auctions organized on the Platform with the aim of acquiring the Vehicle(s).

1.2.10.       “Seller” means an entity that satisfies the criteria outlined in clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 of these T&C and that utilizes the Platform to sell Vehicles belonging to it through the Auctions organized on the Platform.

1.2.11.       “Target Price” means the minimal price indicated by the Seller at which the Vehicle can be sold in the Auction. The Seller designates the Target Price on the Form when submitting the Vehicle to be listed on the Auction.

1.2.12.       “T&C” means these Terms and Conditions describing the use of the Platform with all their amendments, modifications and annexes.

1.2.13.       “User” means Seller or Buyer that: (a) satisfies the criteria outlined in clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of these T&C; (b) is registered on the Platform or signed the T&C; (c) and can access and view the information about Vehicles sold in the Auctions, submit Vehicles for the Auctions or buy Vehicles in the Auctions. The Seller and the Buyer are collectively referred to as the Users. The User may be both a Buyer and a Seller (in respect of different Vehicle transactions).

1.2.14.       “Vehicle” means the used motor vehicle submitted for Auction organized on the Platform by the Seller.

1.3.       The T&C must be followed by every registered User, representative of the User or User’s employee assigned to the User’s account. Any individual creating an account on behalf of the User will be considered the authorized representative of the User who has the right to sell and/or purchase Vehicles. Acceptance of the T&C by this representative will be regarded as acceptance by the User themselves. However, Exleasingcar will not verify the authorization of such representatives.

1.4.       In addition to these T&C, the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the Privacy Policy available at the Platform, and the provisions of the additional agreements concluded by and between the User and Exleasingcar, if any, apply to the regulation of the relationship between the User and Exleasingcar.

1.5.       If any provision of these T&C is contrary to the law or becomes invalid in whole or in part for any reason, it shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the T&C. Such provision will be separated from the remaining T&C, which will then continue in full force and will be implemented to the fullest extent permitted by law.

1.6.       Using the Platform within the meaning of these T&C includes performing all and any actions when the User connects to the Platform using an Internet connection.

1.7.       By accessing and using the Platform, the User acknowledges having read, understood, and agreed to these T&C. The User is bound by these T&C and commits to adhere to them. If the User disagrees with any part of the T&C or fails to understand them, they are not permitted to use the Platform and, consequently, cannot participate in the Auctions.


2.1.       The use of the Platform is limited to business-to-business (B2B) sales only. Furthermore, the Vehicles for sale at the Auctions may only be submitted by Users located in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). All Users, irrespective of their location, are permitted to participate in the Auction as Buyers and buy Vehicles sold herein.

2.2.       In order to be able to buy and/or sell Vehicles in the Auctions held on the Platform, the User is required to register and establish an account.

2.3.       As part of the registration process, Users must complete the provided registration form on the Platform. This form necessitates the provision of vital information, including the company name, registration code, VAT code, address, and other pertinent contact details. Additionally, Users are required to generate a secure password for their login credentials. The responsibility for maintaining the security and confidentiality of this password rests solely with the User.

2.4.       By registering on the Platform, the User confirms that:

2.4.1.         all provided information is true, accurate and up to date;

2.4.2.         User is acting purely in a business capacity in its use of the Platform and sale and/or purchase of Vehicles and not for personal use;

2.4.3.         he has the right, authority and ability to agree to these T&C on behalf of the User; he is familiar with these T&C, agrees with them and undertakes to comply with them;

2.4.4.         User undertakes to use the Platform in a manner that does not interfere with the proper functioning, security and integrity of the Platform and does not interfere with the use of the Platform by others;

2.4.5.         The User agrees to promptly inform Exleasingcar of any updates to their registration details or if any previously provided confirmations, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or other documents, become inaccurate due to changes in circumstances. This notification should be made by contacting Exleasingcar by e-mail info@tradercars.eu.

2.5.       Exleasingcar shall verify the information/documents provided by each person wishing to access the Platform and shall have the right to ask further questions or request additional documents. Although Exleasingcar verifies the information/documents submitted to it, the entire responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the information submitted rests with the person who submitted it.

2.6.       Issues related to the collection, accumulation, systematization, use and processing of the User’s personal data are governed by the Privacy Policy available on the Platform, which is an integral part of these T&C.

2.7.       After accepting the T&C and the Privacy Policy and submitting all the data/documents required for registration and Exleasingcar’s validation of the registration, the User receives a confirmation of successful registration to the e-mail address provided to Exleasingcar.

2.8.       To clarify, the same User may act as both the Seller and the Buyer. In such cases, the appropriate terms applicable to that entity for any specific transaction will be determined by its role in that particular transaction, whether it is acting as a Buyer or a Seller of the Vehicle.

2.9.       Registration on the Platform is free of charge.

2.10.    The User, having received the Platform login data, shall not, without Exleasingcar‘s written consent, disclose and/or transfer them to other persons. Whether lost or suspecting that third parties may have gained access to the User’s login information for the Platform, the User must promptly inform Exleasingcar about it.

2.11.    If the User submits incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate data, or fails to inform Exleasingcar about any changes to the provided information, Exleasingcar reserves the right to take immediate action without prior notice to the User. Such actions may include any or all of the following: (a) refusing to register the User on the Platform; (b) canceling the User’s registration on the Platform; (c) restricting or suspending the User’s ability to use the Platform. In the event of cancellation of a User’s registration, the rules outlined in the Chapter 9 of these T&C shall apply.

2.12.    In all cases, Exleasingcar retains the discretion to reject any User’s registration to access the Platform at its sole discretion.


3.1.       To initiate the submission of a Vehicle to the Auction, the Seller must complete the Form provided on the Platform. In this Form, the Seller must provide the requested information about the Vehicle and the Target Price.

3.2.       By completing and submitting the Form, the Seller hereby confirms that:

3.2.1.         the Vehicle belongs to him as the owner; third parties have no rights or claims in respect of the Vehicle, the Vehicle is not seized and is not the subject of a legal dispute, the right to dispose it has not been withdrawn or restricted;

3.2.2.         it has furnished comprehensive and accurate details concerning the Vehicle, indicated the exact mileage of the car (with a note in case the Vehicle is still in use and the mileage might undergo slight changes), declared all accidents in which the Vehicle has been involved and all known defects of the Vehicle, provided photographs of the Vehicle are current, and photographs accurately depict all visually apparent defects of the Vehicle;

3.2.3.         the Vehicle has not been listed in a public auction within the past six (6) months prior to submitting to the Auction on the Platform;

3.2.4.         assumes full responsibility for the Vehicle, i.e. undertakes to indemnify Exleasingcar against any losses and expenses in connection with claims by Exleasingcar or Buyer in respect of the quality of the Vehicle, non-delivery on time and any other claims relating to the Vehicle;

3.2.5.         after the Auction has ended and the winning bidder – the winner of the Auction (Buyer) has been announced, undertakes to carry out all the steps necessary to formalize and complete the sale of the Vehicle.

3.3.       The Seller explicitly acknowledges, comprehends, and willingly accepts that:

3.3.1.         Exleasingcar only organizes the Auction and does not guarantee that the Vehicle will be sold at the Auction or that the successful bidder will fulfil its obligations;

3.3.2.         after the announcement of the winning bidder and the Buyer’s payment for the Vehicle, the Vehicle will be purchased from the Seller by Exleasingcar and resold to the winning bidder (Buyer);

3.3.3.         it shall be fully liable for all losses incurred by Exleasingcar in indemnifying the Buyer for damages resulting from any failure of the Vehicle to conform to the stated description, defects, malfunctioning or other losses relating to the Vehicle;

3.3.4.         in all cases, Exleasingcar retains the discretion to refuse to submit to the Auction any Seller’s Vehicle without giving reasons for such refusal;

3.3.5.         upon submitting the Vehicle to the Auction, the Seller agrees that Exleasingcar will create an advertisement for the Vehicle intended to be sold at the Auction. Exleasingcar will advertise the Vehicle at its sole discretion and conduct the Auction in accordance with the rules outlined in these T&C and further detailed on the Platform.

3.4.       The Vehicle cannot be sold at the Auction for a price lower than the Target Price without the Seller’s consent. In the event that a sale is not attained, the Seller has the option to resubmit the Vehicle to the Auction, either at a reduced Target Price or to withdraw the Vehicle from the Auction completely. If the reduced Target Price is not offered by the Seller, Exleasingcar retains the right to withdraw the Vehicle entirely.

3.5.       Once a Seller has submitted the Vehicle for sale, it can only be withdrawn by the Seller before the Auction is announced. If the Seller wants to withdraw the Vehicle after the Auction of the Vehicle has already been announced, the Seller shall pay Exleasingcar a fine equal to 20 (twenty) percent of the highest bid at the moment of the withdrawal.


4.1.       The Platform hosts several types of Auctions:

4.1.1.         Closed Auctions where the Buyer bids at a price of his choice and cannot see the bids of other Buyers participating in the Auction. The Buyer is allowed to raise their bid amount until the Auction concludes but cannot lower or retract their bid once placed.

4.1.2.         Open Auctions where the Buyer participates by indicating his price which is visible to all Buyers participating in the Auction. Should another Buyer place a higher bid, the Buyer has the option to elevate their bid to a value exceeding that of the previous Buyer, with the minimum bid increment set at 100 Eur. The Buyer is not permitted to lower or retract their submitted bid.

4.2.       The Auction ends at the specified time. The Auction end time may be extended in case it is clearly indicated in the description of the Auction.

4.3.       All information about the specific Auction (time, the rules on submission of bids, the adjustment of bids, and other special rules) shall be published on the Platform.

4.4.       Auctions are conducted at the times specified on the Platform.

4.5.       Participation in the Auction is free of charge. Auction Fees are payable only by the Seller in case the Vehicle placed by the Seller is sold at the Auction. 

4.6.       The Auction Fee is 319 Eur.

4.7.       In the ongoing Auction, all Buyers registered as User of the Platform can participate and place bids.

4.8.       The Buyer participating in the Auction confirms that he knows, understands and accepts that:

4.8.1.         Vehicles on the Action are not new and may have been used for various purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes in various situations;

4.8.2.         Vehicles for sale are not covered by a warranty and the Buyer has only a strictly limited period to make claims regarding the Vehicle;

4.8.3.         the Auction announcement shall only contain the details of the Vehicle that Exleasingcar receives from the Seller. Exleasingcar does not check the correctness of these data and the technical condition of the Vehicle and does not control and assess the Vehicle, consequently, in this regard, it does not bear any responsibility that may arise due to incomplete or inaccurate Vehicle data;

4.8.4.         at the time of the Auction, the Seller is the owner of the Vehicle. When the winner of the Auction is declared, Exleasingcar shall purchase the Vehicle from the Seller and resell it to the Buyer. The Seller’s details are not disclosed to the Buyer;

4.8.5.         the Buyer who proposed the highest bid in the Auction may or may not be recognized as the winner of that Auction. Only if his bid exceeds the Target Price or the Seller agrees to sell the Vehicle for the price lower than the Target Price, Exleasingcar will announce the Buyer as the Auction winner and notify him by giving Confirmation through the Platform and/or e-mail;

4.8.6.         the announcement of the winner of the Auction shall not constitute the sale of the Vehicle. The sale of Vehicle between Exleasingcar and the Buyer will be considered officially concluded upon the issuance and submission of the VAT invoice to the Buyer, confirming the successful sale of the Vehicle;

4.8.7.         Should it be explicitly stated by Exleasingcar, the Auction winner is obligated to pay Exleasingcar not only the bid price for the Vehicle but also the Value Added Tax (VAT) , in addition to costs associated with other services rendered to the Buyer by Exleasingcar, if applicable;

4.8.8.         the Vehicle shall be transferred to the Buyer only after the Buyer has paid to Exleasingcar all price of the Vehicle (i.e. the paced bid), the Value Added Tax (VAT), and any other costs of other services provided to the Buyer by Exleasingcar, if any;

4.8.9.         he has to register the Vehicle at his own expense.

4.9.       The Buyer participating in the Auction undertakes:

4.9.1.         to get acquainted with the description of the specific Auction and its conditions before participating in the Auction;

4.9.2.         to carefully assess all information about the Vehicle provided during the Auction and ensure that it meets his needs and requirements before placing the bid;

4.9.3.         to consider all his bids carefully, as they cannot be withdrawn;

4.9.4.         upon being declared the winner of the Auction, to pay for a Vehicle under the procedure set out in these T&C and to comply with all other the terms set out in these T&C.

5.    Announcement of the auction winner

5.1.       After the Auction ends and if the highest bid is equal or exceeds the Target Price, Exleasingcar shall declare the highest bidder to be the winner of the Auction.

5.2.       If the highest bid at the conclusion of the Auction does not reach the Seller’s Target Price but reaches at least 90% of that Target Price, Exleasingcar will promptly notify the Seller of this bid. The Seller is then required to indicate within 24 hours whether the highest bid is acceptable. If the Seller approves, the highest bidder will be declared the winner of the Auction. Failure to receive the Seller’s approval or any response within this 24-hour period means the Auction winner cannot be confirmed. Once the Seller agrees to sell the Vehicle at a price below the Target Price, Exleasingcar will immediately designate the Buyer as the Auction winner and issue a Confirmation.


6.1.       Sale of Vehicle to Exleasingcar:

6.1.1.         After the Auction ends and the winner is announced:            within 5 (five) business days at the latest, a Sale-Purchase Agreement of the Vehicle shall be concluded between the Seller and Exleasingcar (draft Sale-Purchase Agreement is annex to these T&C);            within 7 (seven) business days at the latest, the Seller delivers the Vehicle to the Parking Lot. The Vehicle shall be deemed to have been duly delivered to Exleasingcar upon delivery of the Vehicle to the Parking Lot, the handing over of all documents relating to the Vehicle and the signing of the Transfer-Acceptance Act of the Vehicle. All documents relating to the Vehicle shall be true, accurate and up to date. The title and risk of accidental loss and/or damage to the Vehicle shall pass to Exleasingcar from the time of the proper delivery and transfer of the Vehicle to Exleasingcar as described herein;            The Seller performs any other actions necessary for re-registration of the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, submission of the confirmation to the institution registering the change of ownership of the Vehicle not later than within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of the notification on submission of documents to this institution;

6.1.2.         The Seller shall sell the Vehicle to Exleasingcar at the price suggested by the winning bidder (Buyer). The Auction Fee is deducted by Exleasingcar from the Vehicle’s price payable to the Seller. By agreement between the Parties, the price shall be paid to the Seller within 7 (seven) days after Exleasingcar has sold the Vehicle to the Buyer.

6.2.       Sale of Vehicle to the winner of Auction (Buyer):

6.2.1.         Exleasingcar shall sell the Vehicle to the Buyer at the price which is equal to the sum of the successful bidder’s bid plus Value Added Tax (VAT), and any other applicable taxes costs of other services provided to the Buyer by Exleasingcar, if any. Buyer shall pay the price to Exleasingcar, Value Added Tax (VAT), and any other applicable taxes costs of other services provided to the Buyer by Exleasingcar, if any (exact amount of the fees shall be specified in the Confirmation) within 3 (three) business days after he receives the Confirmation and proforma;

6.2.2.         When Value Added Tax (VAT) is calculated for the Vehicle and issued at zero percent Value Added Tax (VAT), depending on the conditions of purchase/dispatch, the Buyer shall additionally pay as a deposit to Exleasingcar an amount equal to 21% of the sale price of the Vehicle and undertakes to export the Vehicle within 15 (fifteen) days from the moment of receipt to any Member State of the European Union or from the territory of the European Community, i.e. to obtain documentation supporting the legality of the zero Value Added Tax (VAT) rate and provide it to Exleasingcar; Exleasingcar within 5 (five) business days after submission of the documentation supporting the legality of the zero Value Added Tax (VAT) rate shall refund to the Buyer the amount paid as a deposit;

6.2.3.         In the event of non-payment by the Buyer of the price of the Vehicle and/or payments for additional services ordered within the term indicated in clause 6.2.1, the sale of the Vehicle shall not be concluded and the Buyer shall pay Exleasingcar fine equal to 20 (twenty) percent of the price of the Vehicle (highest bid). Exleasingcar shall be entitled to deduct this amount from the amounts already paid by the Buyer, if any;

6.2.4.         The Buyer undertakes to take over the purchased Vehicle from the Parking Lot no later than 10 (ten) business days from receipt of invoice. Failure to take over the purchased Vehicle from the Parking Lot within the term specified in this clause will result in a charge for storage according to the Parking Lot’s rates;

6.2.5.         The Vehicle shall be deemed to have been transferred to the Buyer after the Buyer takes it from the Parking Lot and the Vehicle’s Transfer-Acceptance Act is signed. Before signing the Transfer-Acceptance Act, the Buyer is obligated to inspect the Vehicle thoroughly and promptly report any visible defects, which were not indicated in the announcement of the Auction of this Vehicle by indicating them in the Transfer-Acceptance Act. Upon acceptance of the Vehicle, all documents relating to the Vehicle shall be handed over to the Buyer;

6.2.6.         The Buyer undertakes to perform any actions necessary for re-registration of the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, submission of the documents to the institution registering the change of ownership of the Vehicle not later than within 2 (two) business days after takeover of the Vehicle;

6.2.7.         During the transfer, the Buyer takes possession of the Vehicle and assumes the risk of accidental loss of and/or damage to the Vehicle.

7.    CLAIMS regarding VEHICLE

7.1.       All claims regarding visible defects of the Vehicle, which were not indicated in the announcement of the Auction of this particular Vehicle, must be submitted before the signature of the Transfer-Acceptance Act.

7.2.       The Parties expressly agree that claims related to defects not apparent during the initial takeover of the Vehicle can be submitted only when the amount of the claim exceeds 300 Eur, are not related to the parts of the Vehicle which naturally wear out and must be submitted to Exleasingcar no later than the earlier of: (a) the expiration of [3 (three) business days following the signature of CMR; or (b) the Buyer (or any other third party under Buyer’s control) having driven no more than 80 (eighty) kilometers (the Buyer's driven kilometers are calculated based on the mileage specified in the Transfer-Acceptance Act). The Parties expressly agree, and the Buyer acknowledges, that failure to raise claims within the specified timeframe outlined in this clause waives the right to make subsequent claims regarding the Vehicle’s conformity, accuracy of information provided, completion, or quality.

7.3.       Claims are submitted to Exleasingcar in such a manner that the claim must specify the Vehicle and all defects for which the claim was submitted. When submitting and considering claims, in all cases, it must be taken into account that the Vehicles placed on the Auctions on the Platform, are used, consequently, all or individual Vehicle parts are not new, are subject to wear and tear, and number of kilometers driven, date of first registration, technical characteristics and other relevant circumstances must be taken into account.

7.4.       Exleasingcar immediately informs the Seller of any claims received regarding the Vehicle. The Seller must respond to the claims made no later than within 2 (two) business days from the receipt of the claim.

7.5.       Exleasingcar shall evaluate the submitted claim, the Seller’s response and provide its response to the Buyer’s claim no later than within 5 (five) business days from the receipt of the claim.


8.1.       In the event of any breach by the User of any representations and warranties made by the User to Exleasingcar, and in the event of any failure to comply with the obligations assumed under these T&C, the User shall indemnify Exleasingcar against any loss suffered by Exleasingcar as a result.

8.2.       The Parties mutually acknowledge and affirm that the Seller comprehends and explicitly agrees to assume complete liability for any losses incurred by Exleasingcar and/or the Buyer arising from the Vehicle’s failure to meet its specified description, defects, malfunction or any other losses associated with the Vehicle and that the Seller’s liability shall not be subject to the limitations set out in clause 7.2 of the Agreement.

8.3.       To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Exleasingcar shall not be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential damage of any kind, including without limitation disruption of business, third-party claims and loss of profits, anticipated savings, or goodwill. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and/or any other limitations and exclusions of liability set out in these T&C do not apply, Exleasingcar total aggregate liability for any losses of any nature incurred or suffered by User arising out of or in connection with the sale of Vehicles, shall not exceed the price for such Vehicle, which was suggested by the Buyer.

8.4.       Neither Party shall exclude or limit its liability for (a) its own fraud or willful intent; and /or (b) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law (in which case the relevant Party does not exclude or limit its liability only to the extent such exclusion or limitation is not permitted by applicable law).

8.5.       Seller is paying a fine of 20 (twenty) percent of the highest bid to Exleasingcar and compensates Exleasingcar for any damages incurred by him if the winner is of the Auction is announced or the Seller confirms the sale of the Vehicle in case the bid is less than Target Price but: (a) neglects to sign the Sale-Purchase Agreement; (b) fails to deliver the Vehicle to the designated Parking Lot within the specified timeframe; (c) delivers the Vehicle in a manner inconsistent with the information provided by the Seller regarding the Vehicle; (d) otherwise breaches its obligations resulting in Exleasingcar’s inability to fulfil its commitments to the Buyer.

8.6.       In the event of failure to conclude the sale of the Vehicle with the Buyer through no fault of the Buyer, Exleasingcar reimburse to the Buyer the price paid by him for the Vehicle, and pays to the Buyer a fine equal to 10 (ten) percent of the bid. The fine indicated in this clause is paid only when Exleasingcar receives the fine paid by the Seller as indicated in clause 8.5.

8.7.       If Exleasingcar fails to pay the Seller for the Vehicle by this T&C in a timely and proper manner, Exleasingcar shall pay to the Seller interest at the rate of 0.02 per cent of the unpaid amount for each day of delay.

8.8.       Any fines and compensations for damages payable hereunder shall be due and payable within 10 (ten) days of request. Claims for damages must be accompanied by documents proving the fact and extent of the loss suffered.


9.1.       The User has the right to deactivate his account at any time, except the period when he is participating in the Auction as the Seller or the Buyer.

9.2.       Exleasingcar has the right to suspend or cancel a User’s account privileges and the ability to buy or sell Vehicles on the Platform at any time if the User is not active at that moment (there are no User’s Vehicles in an ongoing Auction, the Buyer has not bid in the ongoing Auction). If the Seller’s Vehicle is on an ongoing Auction or a Buyer has submitted a bid, Exleasingcar reserves the right to suspend or cancel the User’s account solely in the event of a material breach of the T&C or applicable laws by the User. In this case, the ongoing Auctions of User’s Vehicles are suspended, and bids placed are annulled.

9.3.       If Exleasingcar decides to suspend or cancel the User’s account on the Platform, Exleasingcar will inform the User by e-mail or via the User’s account on the Platform. In this case, Vehicles for which the Auction has not yet started shall not be put up for Auction.  

9.4.       To reactivate an account that has been cancelled or suspended on the Platform, the User must submit a reinstatement request to Exleasingcar. The decision to reactivate the account will be at Exleasingcar’s discretion and communicated to the User as either confirmed or denied.

9.5.       All obligations arising between the Parties before the revocation of the User’s account, whether mutual or otherwise, shall persist even after the deactivation of the account.


10.1.    All intellectual property rights to the Platform and its content, including copyrights, industrial intellectual property rights, know-how, and commercial and industrial secrets, belong to Exleasingcar or Exleasingcar and lawfully exercise the rights granted by third parties. All rights to the Platform and the works on it are reserved. No content or other information on the Platform may be reproduced, made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Exleasingcar.

10.2.    All trademarks displayed on the Platform are the property of Exleasingcar or are lawfully used by Exleasingcar, except for those trademarks uploaded by Users of the Platform.

10.3.    By submitting any content to the Platform, the User acknowledges and warrants to Exleasingcar that he has all rights, permissions, consents and/or licenses to perform those actions with the content, which the User performs, including the right to use.

10.4.    The Users may not reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Platform or any part thereof, nor may they take any actions to violate the intellectual property rights of Exleasingcar related to the Platform. Any such unauthorized actions shall be considered a breach of this agreement and may result in legal action by Exleasingcar.

10.5.    The Platform may not be used for any illegal activities, including but not limited to distributing viruses, malware, or engaging in any other activities that compromise the security or integrity of the Platform or its users. Any such actions shall be considered a breach of this agreement and may result in immediate termination of the User’s access to the Platform, as well as legal consequences.


11.1.    The User undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data managed by the User, which is necessary for the purposes of using the Platform, does not infringe the rights and legitimate interests of data subjects or other third parties. Accordingly, the User bears all associated risks.

11.2.    The Parties agree that the rights and obligations of the Parties in the processing of the User’s data by Exleasingcar are discussed in the Privacy Policy published on the Platform.


12.1.    Exleasingcar shall send all notices and otherwise communicate using e-mail addresses or telephone numbers provided in the User’s registration form or in any other way by which the User may be reached.

12.2.    Users shall send all notices and inquiries and otherwise contact Exleasingcar by e-mail: info@tradercars.eu, phone: +37060272045.

12.3.    The Parties agree that the presence of a copy of an e-mail or other notice addressed to the User on Exleasingcar server (database or other device storing the relevant information) is appropriate proof of sending any information.


13.1.    As Exleasingcar is constantly developing and evolving the Platform to ensure a more convenient use, Exleasingcar has the right to unilaterally amend these T&C at any time.

13.2.    Exleasingcar will notify the User of any changes to the T&C by posting them on the Platform.

13.3.    Changes to the T&C will take effect upon their publication on the Platform. By continuing to use the Platform, the User acknowledges that he has read such changes and fully agrees with them.

13.4.    The use of the Platform before the amendment of the T&C shall be governed by T&C in force at that time.


14.1.    The Law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to the T&C.

14.2.    All disagreements between Exleasingcar and the Users regarding the implementation of these T&C shall be resolved through negotiations. If the Parties fail to resolve the dispute through negotiations within 30 days from the initiation of such negotiations, such dispute shall be finally settled in the courts in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, determining jurisdiction according to the location of Exleasingcar’s registered office.

14.3.    These T&C shall enter into force from the moment the User confirms that he agrees with them, and shall be valid for the entire period of the relationship between the User and Exleasingcar.